AI61006: Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems


  • How to formulate your domain specific problem as a CPS
  • How to apply some suitable AI techniques to solve a CPS problem

Modus Operandi

  • Class-room activities: 10%
    • Participate in class-room discussions
    • Five minutes teaching: Pick any small topic that is taught in the class before your schedule and teach it for five minutes.
    • Attendance
  • Course project: 20%
  • Mid-sem: 30%
  • End-sem: 40%


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Physical Systems

Module 3: Sensing and Perception

Module 4: Planning and Acting

Projects for students (Internship, BTP, MTP, Course)

Student projects are divided in three categories. The expected outcome depends on the duration of the project and therefore, students are not supposed to complete the project. Instead, their performance will be evaluated on the basis of efforts they put in learning. In addition, my inputs will be proportional to the efforts of the student. The three categories of projects are

  1. Review and tutorial: You can select a few papers relevant as per your interest in which cyber physical system and artificial intelligence both are present. You can summarize those papers or their problem formulation, try to make a tree to connect other related papers and attempt to provide your own perspective. I will grade you on the basis of consistency, exhaustiveness, and completeness. You can write an article on medium or a post on LinkedIn to get noticed by the people who are working in the related area. In this way, you will be able to secure your next career stop. Please do not use my name in your social media post without my permission. Maximum two members in a team are allowed.
  2. Reproduce and benchmarking: You can select a paper relevant to AI for CPS in which you are interested in and reproduce their simulation results. If you have some novelty, you can make your git repository public. This open source contribution will help you to demonstrate your skills in front of interviewers and boost your resume. Please do not use my name anywhere in your git repository without my permission. You can work in a team of at most three members.
  3. Research and invent: For the course project, you can choose any topic within the general theme of the course for your research in a team of maximum four members. You can continue the work that you are doing with other faculty member and I will not be contributor untill your advisor (if there is any) request to be. For internship, BTP and MTP, I will provide the research direction. You can negotiate untill I give you a publishable idea.

You should consider the papers published in top AI conferences such as Neurips, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, etc, top robotics conferences ICRA, IROS, etc. If you like the journal style, you may like to see the papers published in JMLR, TPAMI, TNNLS, TIT, TAC, Automatica, RAL, Science robotics, Nature Machine Intelligence, SIAM, etc. You can choose papers written by famous people (such as Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Diederik Kingma, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn, Jitendra Malik, David Silver, Daniela Rus, Yann Lecun, Sebastian Thrun, Shankar Sastry, Anima Anand Kumar, etc., to name only a few) so that you can understand their research direction. You can also see the work going in top universities (MIT, Stanford, Berkley, ETH, Harvard, etc.) and top industries (Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, ABB, GE, etc.).